Artificial Intelligence Art

To say this blows my mind would be an understatement. I first came across AI Art in summer 2022. You have to learn some commands, figure out how to describe your vision using words or prompts that the machine will understand and not misinterpret for other things. There is definitely a skill to getting a piece of art rendered that matches the vision you have in mind.

It is easy to get great looking art out of it, but hard to get what you want. I find it really helps develop my creative mind and opens up ideas that I would never have considered.

You might be too young to remember but when photoshop first came out and digital art was born everyone said the same thing. It was cheating, it was a threat to artists, it wasnt real art because a computer was doing the work etc.. but now it is just a tool for artists and widely accepted.

I believe AI Art will be the same. It’ll be criticised heavily but it is too powerful to be ignored. We just need to figure out the right place for it.

Already people can explore a career as a Prompt Artist. Mad!


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