The Wolf of Kensington

“I have always been fascinated with the mythical symbolism of wolves, representing both aggression and destruction on one hand, balanced by loyalty, wisdom and bravery on the other.

Intrigued by how they assemble their packs in a tribe like manner, protecting their vulnerable whilst diligently respecting a chain of command, I draw parallels with how similar this behaviour is to early human tribes.

It was this fascination, paired with a jovial love of Anthropomorphic Art (the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities), particularly humanoid animal art. Ina addition to this I was also captivated by the diversity of multicultural styles across the last four decades. This fusion of genres inspired the first creative sparks of what we now know and love, TWOK. An art collection of humanoid cyberpunks, fashionistas, spice-boys and feral warrior wolf-people.”

The Wolf of Kensington artwork was conceptualised by our Artist & CCO Paul Doherty, and then brought to fruition by his incredible team of 3D Artists. We have a cracking team of talent which covers Tech, Blockchain, Marketing, Finance and Creative. Tani Dulay is CEO, Sean Brown CPO, Dan Jones CTO, Elliot Hackney CMO.

TWOK is a much-desired NFT collection of unique and exclusive pieces of generative art based on The Wolf of Kensington. Conscious of creating a positive impact on our climate, TWOK will rightly be a carbon neutral collection and joining the pack will mark your territory. Are you a wolf in disguise?

The Wolf of Kensington (TWOK)

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